Thursday, June 3, 2010

Eagle Lake Introduction

During my time at Eagle Lake (3 summers) it was tradition to write introductory emails to the other counselors. I came across this, my 3rd summer introduction just this past evening. I snickered a bit when I read it...

hello everyone,

this is dan pirkle. and as a service to eagle lake
camp i just wanted to clear the air about something. i
will refer to a stocking cap as a toboggan. this is
correct. let me refer you to the dictionary.

toboggan (to bog'en)n.
1. a long, narrow, flat sled with its front curved
upward and without runners.
(i am fully aware of this definition. but this next
one is were it gets serious.)
2. U.S. Dialect(um pretty sure thats what we will be
using at camp, i know i shall.) =a stocking cap.

thank you, thank you very much. for those of you that
are confused you obviously dont know me. for you
returners: in your face. this is for you katie. war

dan pirkle

1 comment:

josh said...

As someone who has also struggled with this same issue, thank you.